The Binary Card Game
Where magic and logic meet!

(c) 2018 Two Wires Lab, Inc.

Where Logic and Magic Meet
play and learn!

NotBit is a two-player fantasy card game designed to teach binary concepts and computer logic. The game features different game modes ranging from simple (binary counting using bits) to complex plays using logic gates, magical spells, and potions.

Why a card game?

The best way to learn a new skill is by being effortlessly engaged and fully immersed while doing it! Playing a card game is a relatable way to learn and memorize knowledge, and it appeals to a variety of learning styles. Imagine how much easier your child will recall coding knowledge when they can associate epic, memorable game characters with whatever they’re asked to do.

Check out the cards

Order your game

NotBit brings binary to the next level and makes it fun to learn. Get your own deck today!


Card decks available at

Who are we?

We are a team of creatives focused on designing and publishing fun educational content such as PodPi, LeddyWear and Daybreak Protocol

Meet the team